Mental Health and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    The exceptional roles and responsibilities Canada’s military and RCMP members undertake while in service can lead to mental health difficulties. The Legion understands the toll serving for our country can have on individuals and we are here to offer our support. Though we cannot assist directly in the specialized area of mental health, the compassionate professionals from the Service Officer Network can assist you in finding the help you need. There are numerous programs and services available for Veterans and their families to get the help they deserve.


    Immediate, emergency help is available

    * For an emergency or crisis situation, call 911 *


    24 Hour Bilingual Telephone Support

    The Employee Assistance Services of Health Canada, in partnership with the Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Canada, is a voluntary and confidential service to help serving and retired members (Regular Force, all Reserve Class Members, RCMP, Cadets, Veterans), their family members as well as primary caregivers, who have personal concerns that affect their personal well-being and/or work performance. 

    • Phone: 1-800-268-7708
    • For the hearing impaired, dial 1-800-567-5803 (TDD)


    Family Information Line

    The Family Information Line is a confidential, personal and bilingual service offering information, support, referrals, reassurance and crisis management to the military community. Trained Family Information Line Counsellors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you.

    • Phone: 1-800-866-4546


    Long term help and support available 

    Legion support for Veterans and their families

    The Legion's Service Officer Network can help you access the supports you and your family need. Our trained Command Service Officers can guide you and help you find the resources and supports you need.

    A Legion Command Service Officer can help Veterans and their family members access disability benefits and services and get referrals to specialized programs and resources such as:

    • mental health services and resources
    • family counselling and peer support networks
    • programs that support successful transition to civilian life
    • health and wellness programs, and more.

    Legion services for Veterans and their families are always free and you do not need to be a Legion member to benefit from these services. Contact a Legion Command Service Officer for more information and to request assistance.


    BSO Legion OSI

    The Royal Canadian Legion Operational Stress Injury (Blessure de stress opérationnel) Special Section (BSO Legion OSI) is a national, member-driven initiative that provides outreach, peer-support, and referral services for Veterans and their families who are affected by operational stress injuries (OSIs) including anxiety, depression, addictions, PTSD or other mental health difficulties.

    Through our members and our extensive network we:

    • outreach in the community to help identify Veterans in need
    • offer peer support opportunities, connecting Veterans with others who have been impacted by OSIs
    • refer those affected by OSIs to local and national supports and services, including Legion Branch and Command Service Officers, local mental health organizations, local community resources, Veterans Affairs Canada, national Veteran support organizations such as OSSIS, Soldier On, VETS Canada, and  the Veterans Transition Network, and many other programs and services
    • help dispel the stigma around mental injuries and illness and support all Veterans in getting the help they need and deserve

    If you, or a Veteran or family of a Veteran are in need of support or assistance with an operational stress injury or mental health issue, the Legion is here to help.

    Contact a Legion Command Service Officer for more information.

    For more information, please see the BSO Legion OSI brochure.


    Legion Veteran Peer Support Programs

    The Royal Canadian Legion offers Veteran peer-to- peer support programs to encourage Veterans and their families to connect with others in their community in a supportive environment. Legion services for Veterans and their families are always free, and you do not have to be a Legion member to participate. 

    Learn more


    Other organizations

    The Legion refers Veterans and their families to a number of Veterans organizations with programs that offer supports and services. Below are some programs that offer services nationally. 

    Provincial Commands also maintain information on additional resources available in their province. Please contact a Provincial Command Service Officer to inquire.