The Royal Canadian Legion received a wonderful thank you letter from the daughter of a Veteran who was helped by the Legion. We are sharing her story and the beautiful painting she created as a tribute to Veterans in need.
Anneke Chambers is the daughter of a Canadian Veteran. She grew up facing the immense challenges associated with operational stress disorder. Her father suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of his service. Her parents worked hard to fight against it and were determined to stick together, as her father’s PTSD progressed. It was through immediate and long term help from the Legion and Veterans Affairs Canada that their family finally saw hope. In Anneke’s own words she explained, “The Legion and Veterans Affairs saved our family by providing support, therapy and a safe space whenever it was needed.”
Anneke knows there are still Veterans today who may not know help is available, or who don’t recognize they need help until it is too late. She wanted to do something special to honour Canada’s Veterans and bring light to the work the Legion does. Anneke created this poignant artwork to reach out to Veterans and their families in need. This painting is dedicated to all those who came home but for whom the battle never ended.
Anneke ends her message with a ‘Thank you’ for the life changing work the Legion does. We are forever thankful for her father’s service, and will always be here to support her father and his family.
Get assistance through the Legion
Anneke and here family were directly helped through the Legion and the Poppy Campaign. Through the support of millions of Canadians this past Remembrance period, the Legion will continue to help all Veterans and their families in need. If you are a Veteran, or you know of a Veteran who needs assistance, please reach out to the Legion through your local Legion Branch or through a Command Service Officer. We are here to help.