Legion news

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“Remembrance Row” part of Royal Canadian Legion’s support of 2019 Canada Army Run

Sep 20, 2019
Participants in this year’s Canada Army Run are invited to meet the country’s 2018-2019 National Silver Cross Mother, Ms. Anita Cenerini. Chosen by the Legion to represent all mothers and families of fallen veterans, she will be part of this year’s weekend event in memory of her son Private Thomas Welch who passed away after serving in Afghanistan.

Participation of National Silver Cross Mother also a highlight

OTTAWA, ON, 20 September 2019 – Participants in this year’s Canada Army Run are invited to meet the country’s 2018-2019 National Silver Cross Mother, Ms. Anita Cenerini. Chosen by the Legion to represent all mothers and families of fallen veterans, she will be part of this year’s weekend event in memory of her son Private Thomas Welch who passed away after serving in Afghanistan.

                WHEN:                 Saturday, September 21, 2019/ 10:00 – 11:00 am & 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET

                WHERE:                Royal Canadian Legion booth, Canadian War Museum, 1 Vimy Pl., Ottawa

Private Welch’s image will be one of 150 posters of fallen veterans placed along a portion of the route known as “Remembrance Row” – a welcome addition to the run for the third year. This year, Remembrance Row will be located along the Gatineau section of the run (Promenade du Portage) on Sunday, September 22. Remembrance Row is presented in partnership with Canada Army Run, and is composed of placards with veterans’ images submitted by participants.

“We are honoured to help present Remembrance Row to Canada Army Run participants,” says Thomas D. Irvine, CD, Dominion President of The Royal Canadian Legion. “It is a powerful way to connect with Canada’s military heroes, whether you’re related to them or not. They are a symbol of the incredible sacrifices made by those who serve our country and we remember them all with gratitude.”

For more information on the Canada Army Run, please visit: www.armyrun.ca

For more on how the Legion supports Veterans, please visit:  Legion Veteran support


About The Royal Canadian Legion

Founded in 1925, the Legion is Canada’s largest Veteran support and community service organization. We are a non-profit organization with a national reach across Canada as well as branches in the U.S., Europe and Mexico. With close to 260,000 members, many of whom volunteer an extraordinary amount of time to their branches, our strength is in our numbers.

Public Relations / Media Inquiries: 343-540-7604 or PublicRelations@Legion.ca
