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Read the latest news releases and articles from Dominion Command of The Royal Canadian Legion.
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Legion comments on volatility in VAC leadership
Feb 13, 2019
With the latest change in leadership at Veterans Affairs Canada, The Royal Canadian Legion remains increasingly concerned that the Canadian government is not duly focused on the needs of our Veterans and that no one really has full focus on this portfolio.
Four ways you can support veterans year-round
Feb 5, 2019
Veterans need your support this holiday season and year-round. Here are four ways you can ensure Veterans get the help they deserve.
Focus on mental health: Canada’s National Silver Cross Mother Anita Cenerini shares thoughts
Jan 31, 2019
Anita Cenerini's son, Private Thomas Welch died on May 8, 2004. His death is marked as the first death by suicide of a Canadian Soldier after returning home from the Afghanistan mission. As Canada’s National Silver Cross Mother, Mrs. Cenerini shares her thoughts on mental health.
On soldiers, invisible injuries, and a culture of stigma
Jan 28, 2019
Canadian soldiers have long faced combat and non-combat situations that test their resolve both physically and mentally. It’s not new, but what is new is that we’re talking about it more than ever before.
Legion Seeking Applicants for 2019 CAF Nijmegen March Team
Jan 24, 2019
The Royal Canadian Legion is inviting Legion Members to apply for an opportunity to participate in the world’s largest walking/marching event held in mid-July in the Nijmegen area of Holland.
Why you should join The Royal Canadian Legion
Jan 8, 2019
Legion members make a real difference in the lives of Veterans and across communities. Find out how.
Why you should volunteer with The Royal Canadian Legion this holiday season
Dec 7, 2018
Volunteering at The Royal Canadian Legion this holiday season is a great way to give back to the community, meet new people and learn new skills.
Meet HearingLife: a Legion partner that helps to provide YOU with Better Hearing
Nov 21, 2018
Royal Canadian Legion members are entitled to receive discounts and benefits when visiting any HearingLife location across Canada.
Thousands join National Remembrance Day Ceremony
Nov 13, 2018
Canadians paid their respects to Canada’s Fallen in communities across the country today and at the annual Remembrance Day Ceremony organized by the Royal Canadian Legion at the National War Memorial.
The Royal Canadian Legion announces National Silver Cross Mother 2018-2019
Nov 1, 2018
The Royal Canadian Legion’s Dominion President, Thomas D. Irvine, CD, is proud and honoured to present this year’s National Silver Cross Mother to Canada.